
About us

ConnectArt is an innovative organization that promotes children’s mental health through culture and creative education. We work with artistic creation in various art forms to inspire and reach children and young people with educational methods with the aim of increasing their perspective on the influence of health. We mainly target schools but also other places where children and young people are active.

We create a Trilogy, three art works, three different perspectives on mental health, which we then develop with the children; the relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body.

ConnectArt has its base in Gothenburg, but the team is located in various locations both nationally and internationally, such as in Brazil. The initiative was started based on Elin’s experience within Cirkus Unik, an organization that reached 23,000 children. Now we dream of an inclusive world with healthy and aware kids!

Background - Cirkus Unik

Elin Lutke founds ConnectArt in 2024 to, among other things, provide continuity to the project Circus for Mental Health and the film Monster, since 2021 part of Cirkus Unik’s operations.
Cirkus Unik, also co-founded by Elin in 2016, has now been discontinued since 2023.
Over the years, more than 45 employees and consultants worked in Circus Unik, and the activity reached and delighted over 23,000 children during this time.
ConnectArt can benefit from the large network based on Cirkus Unik’s long-term collaboration with the Gothenburg Opera and more than 60 different organizations, companies and municipalities in Västra Götaland with the support of, for example, the Region of Västra Götaland, Gothenburg’s Cultural Administration, the Culture Council and Reach for Change.
Another rich experience from this activity is the continuous method development, which now continues under ConnectArt’s auspices in pedagogy, art and evaluation of social impact based on experiences from an activity with and for children and young people in vulnerable areas.

The Team


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